I messed up
I messed up my marriage. Possibly from the very start. And without doing so intentionally or knowing I was doing so. I was emotionally abusing my husband for years and seriously had no idea I was doing so. I have suffered from sexual, emotional, and mental abuse from family members and my husband was my safe space. That meant that he also became my emotional punching bag unintentionally. I ended up hurting him in some of the same ways I had been hurt by people in my family who I should have been able to trust. I repeated the cycle, and I am not sure I will ever forgive myself for that. He is done. He wants to separate. To divorce me. To be done with me. To only be associated with me by coparenting. Of course this is never what I wanted. Never what I envisioned for myself. Definitely not something I ever expected when we adopted two of our girls this summer. Why would we do that if we were just going to tear apart our family? I have d...