Fill These Walls

I like to decorate, but I always feel like it needs to be done a specific way. I often won't do anything until I know exactly what I want. I guess I am a bit of a perfectionist. Either way, I am getting very tired of looking at all of my blank walls. The HUGE blank wall in the dining room. Okay, it's not huge, but it is a lot of blank space!! I've contemplated making a big picture wall, adding mirrors, or even one of those murals (not a permanent one obviously). The walls leading up our staircase. My dad has lots of family photos leading up his staircase. It almost tells a story or gives a timeline. I can't decide how to go about filling this space. So like any DIY gal, I consulted Pinterest! Luckily for me, a lot of others have contemplated this same problem. I found Emily A. Clark's blog and I am definitely subscribing to her now! Her "What Would You Do?" Decorating Tall Walls post was just what I needed to see! Emily...