
Showing posts from February, 2019

Losing Her Again

I'm no stranger to Alzheimers and Dementia. My great-grandmother passed away years ago with Dementia and I remember slowly losing her each time I would visit. It seemed like she would get further and further away as she lost touch with who I was. I loved her dearly and though I didn't get to spend as much time with her as I would have liked I felt her love and care towards me and others in the family. Watching her decline was heartbreaking. Fast forward to a few years ago. Steven and I moved to Athens to help take care of my grandmother-  Granny Graeff. She was a stubborn lady and insisted she didn't need us there but ultimately it was the right thing. She needed help with weekly tasks like grocery shopping, going to and from appointments, and general house related things like laundry. Over time she needed more and more help. We realized she wasn't taking her medications properly when she was loopy all day and had taken the same medication too many times in 24 hours....