First Gynnie Bee Experience!
What is Gwynnie Bee? The best way I can explain it is...Netflix for clothing. Essentially you sign up for a subscription to have a specific amount of clothing articles out at a time (1-10 items) and you return them as you like. check it out here: Gwynnie Bee I was skeptical at first. But then I noticed that I could try the first month free!! So I jumped all over that! Get your first month free here: Free Month at Gwynnie Bee A few notes about Gwynnie Bee: For women sizes 10-28 Unlimited free shipping--including return shipping! 30 day free trial period--no reason NOT to try it! :) Only 2-4 days to receive shipments You don't have to wash/dry-clean before sending it back Keep the items as long as you like (while you are a monthly subscriber) They prepare/send your next shipment as soon as you notify them that you are dropping your current items in the mail! It is amazing! They personalize your shipments! (See below!) These items fit your changing style...