Lucky Brand Shoes, summer loves and Gatsby dreams.

I have wanted Lucky Brand Shoes for a while now and I am proud to say that I finally have some! I happened across these cheetah print shoes and they were on sale! I don't typically go for animal prints but these were absolutely calling my name.

They were regularly $59 and I got them for $20.65. I count that as a shopping success! I got mine at a department store here in Huntsville, but if you want these and you wear an 8.5 you can still order them on the Lucky Brand website. They are still discounted a bit online. If you want an absolute steal and more versatile cheetah flats consider these from H&M. Only $12.95! Awesome!
I've been web-browsing a lot to see what I may want to add to my collection of summer favorites. Here are a few:

I absolutely adore these and love this print but I am not sure I can justify spending $50 on them if I don't already have outfits in mind. 

Do you typically buy outfits to go with your shoes or vice versa? If you look in my closet...most of my shoes are fairly repetitive since they will go with most anything. 

I had to play with H&M's try-on feature on their website and I loved adding items! I paired this black ruffle maxi dress with those cheetah flats, a gold necklace, and a gold bangle. Final price? Only $62.80! Not bad for an outfit with pieces you can wear with so many other things! 

Necklace: $14.95                              Bracelet: $12.95                             Maxi Dress: $24.95

On a different note--have you seen the Great Gatsby? I cannot wait to see it! From what I can tell the costumes are amazing! They organized a fusion of Prada and Miu Miu! Prada has a video about it on their website. Check it out! And let me know your thoughts on the movie. I absolutely loved the book, so hopefully the movie won't disappoint! 

If you have a love for Ann Taylor-The Loft or peep toe shoes be sure to check out my closet on Tradesy! I added a few summer blouses to the mix! 

Hope you all had a great weekend! Tomorrow is Monday--a new work week awaits! 


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